Korean war

  1. 2. Place where United states is defeated on July 4, 1950
  2. 5. parallel Spot at witch Korea is divided
  3. 6. Communist part of Korea
  4. 7. zone Neutral zone between North- and South-Korea
  5. 11. States Country who going the war on June 27 1950
  6. 12. First name of the president of US during Korean War
  1. 1. Anti-communist part of Korea
  2. 3. City which was bombed in August 1945
  3. 4. country who ruled Korea from 1910 until the end of Word War 2
  4. 8. First name of original commander of UN soldiers in Korea
  5. 9. President who starts the Summer of Terror
  6. 10. First name of leader of North Korea