Korin- Fiber

  1. 2. grown in warm climates on a plant
  2. 4. you can sheer it off a sheep
  3. 6. my first name
  4. 7. when classifying a fiber it is not the natural
  5. 11. comes from rocks
  6. 12. comes from the flax plant
  7. 14. woven material like a rug or blanket
  8. 15. can be used to make rope comes from a plant
  9. 16. fibers twisted together
  10. 17. is natural and comes from the ground
  1. 1. made from silkworms
  2. 3. fibers left behind
  3. 5. can be split into many groups
  4. 7. comes from cactus
  5. 8. a man made fiber thin plastic looking
  6. 9. outside of coconuts
  7. 10. is in goat or sheep hair
  8. 13. has categories of plant animal and mineral
  9. 18. is natural and examples are fur, webbing, hair