  1. 4. Malaysia’s NGO that works to raise knowledge about mental health and help people who are recovering from mental illness.
  2. 5. unwanted thoughts and doing the same things over and over
  3. 7. English nurse and social reformer who pioneered contemporary nursing methods and pushed for humane care for those with mental illness.
  4. 11. A sudden feeling of acute fear or discomfort, frequently accompanied by bodily symptoms such as rapid heartbeat and shortness of breath
  5. 14. Mood swings and depression are signs of this mental health issue
  6. 16. ________________ is 21-item questionnaires designed to measure the current mental health and emotional states, identifying Depression, Anxiety or Stress.
  7. 17. Licensed medical expert who can prescribe drugs and offer therapy for mental health problems
  8. 20. Feeling of extreme worry or fear
  9. 24. A mental disease is an illness on _____ that produces disruptions in thought, behavior or emotion and making it difficult to deal daily life demands.
  10. 25. A disorder marked by trouble paying attention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity.
  11. 26. A state of being very happy
  12. 27. Endorphins will be released during _________, massage and eating.
  13. 28. A constant sense of sadness and hopelessness
  14. 31. This hormone imbalances can lead to mental illness including schizophrenia and addictive behaviour.
  1. 1. Treatments employed to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety
  2. 2. Professional who provides counseling and therapeutic
  3. 3. A severe mental condition marked by delusions, hallucinations, and disorganized thinking
  4. 6. Ancient Greek physician renowned as the "Father of Medicine" wrote about mental illnesses in his books
  5. 8. Getting _________ easily is one of the symptoms of depression.
  6. 9. Cell that controls the brain
  7. 10. A condition of mental or emotional exhaustion brought on by difficult or demanding conditions
  8. 12. Therapeutic method that aims to modify negative cognitive processes and maladaptive behaviours.
  9. 13. This hormone has been found to influence mood, cognition, and emotion regulation
  10. 15. A disorder characterized by disruptions in eating behaviour
  11. 18. hormone that is released when you are stressed.
  12. 19. Effect of excessive and prolonged stress
  13. 21. Feeling of worthlessness and guilt all the time
  14. 22. People used to believe that the ______ was the cause of mental illness.
  15. 23. Austrian neurologist and founder of psychoanalysis
  16. 29. Bad _____ created a significant barrier, negative attitudes and misconceptions about mental health issues
  17. 30. relieve pain, reduce stress and improve your sense of well-being