Kpop Crossword

  1. 1. Usually within a group there are split units, such as the dance line, rap line, vocal line, etc.
  2. 5. the member that has the most lines and appears in the front of the camera the most.
  3. 7. A stalker, usually to an extreme point.
  4. 10. The youngest of the group.
  5. 11. Black Ocean When there is rarely any lightsticks during a preformance, a form of showing lack of support or public hate towards the artist.
  6. 12. Stick Each group has their own design of light sticks which fans bring to concerts.
  7. 13. Usually when a music video tops almost all the charts.
  1. 2. An idol in the training process.
  2. 3. Wrecker A member of a group that is specifically favourite; sudden catching of attention.
  3. 4. The biggest award that a kpop artist can receive in Korea, such as ‘artist of the year’, ‘song of the year’, ‘album of the year’.
  4. 6. When an artist releases new music or albums.
  5. 8. An act of cuteness, usually to soften the image of an idol or to create comedic effects.
  6. 9. Obsessive fan of a particular celebrity