- 4. the process by which producers use solar energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into
- 5. hydraulic fracturing, a method of oil and gas extraction that uses high-pressure fluids to force open
- 7. the conversion of ammonia into nitrite and then into nitrate
- 9. a measurement of the amount of matter an object contains
- 10. randomness in a system
- 12. the conversion of nitrate in a series of steps into the gases nitrous oxide and, eventually, nitrogen gas, which is emitted into the atmosphere
- 14. the ability to do work or transfer heat
- 15. the process by which fungal and bacterial decomposers break down the organic nitrogen found in dead bodies and waste products and convert it into inorganic ammonium (NH4+)
- 19. fungi or bacteria that converts organic matter into small elements and molecules that can be recycled back into the ecosystem
- 20. the region of our planet where life resides, the combination of all ecosystems on Earth
- 21. the diversity of life forms in an environment
- 23. the total amount of solar energy that producers in an ecosystem capture via photosynthesis over a given amount of time
- 26. excessive richness of nutrients in a lake or other body of water, frequently due to runoff from the land, which causes a dense growth of plant life and death of animal life from lack of oxygen
- 27. in rocks deep underground
- 28. an organism that uses the energy of the Sun to produce usable forms of energy; also known as a producer
- 29. low in oxygen
- 1. Non-living
- 2. the total mass of all living matter in a specific area
- 3. the process by which producers incorporate elements into their tissues
- 6. the transportation of dissolved molecules through the soil via groundwater
- 8. a measure of how much a disturbance can affect flows of energy and matter in an ecosystem
- 11. an organism that uses the energy of the Sun to produce usable forms of energy; also known as an autotroph
- 13. derived from human activities
- 16. a consumer that eats other consumers
- 17. a testable conjecture about how something works
- 18. a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution
- 21. Increase in concentration in an organism
- 22. Increase in concentration of a pollutant in a food chain
- 24. Living
- 25. all land in a given landscape that drains into a particular stream, river, lake, or wetland