Krishna's Clues to End All Blues 2.0 Crossword

  1. 2. Who was the charioteer of Karna
  2. 4. In Chapter 10 (Vibhuti Yoga), what does the Lord says he is among the senses?
  3. 6. Krishna calls Arjuna by this name because he is ambidextrous - can use both arms equally
  4. 7. Which Hindu concept does Lord Krishna refer to in the slokas "Ya da Yada hi dharmasya"
  5. 9. In Chapter 7, what is said to constitute the following conglomerate: "Earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect, and ego"
  6. 10. What was Arjuna’s flag marked with?
  1. 1. Mother of the Pandavas
  2. 3. In Chapter 16, Lord Krishna describes a list of 26 virtues of a person of Divine nature (Daivi sampat). What is the very first quality mentioned by the Lord?
  3. 5. This name of Arjuna means son of Prtha. What is it?
  4. 8. What is sravana in the trio of sravana-manana-nidhidhyasana mean?