Krustvārdu mīkla

  1. 1. A very small light computer that you can carry with you, and that you use to store information.
  2. 2. An electronic device that makes possible the transmission of data to or from a computer via telephone or other communication lines.
  3. 5. A small flat surface which is sensitive to touch, used to control an on-screen cursor.
  4. 6. Hide windows without taking them off screen.
  5. 8. Special icons, that is placed on dekstop and It's easy to get to program quickly.
  6. 10. An object or machine that has been invented for a particular purpose.
  7. 13. The causative agent of an infectious disease.
  8. 14. A slotted board with circuits and ports.
  9. 15. Extend windows to the full width of the screen.
  10. 20. Connected to the internet.
  11. 21. The set of keys for operating a computer or typewriter, or the set of letters that you can click on to write.
  12. 22. An output device that produces a graphical representation by drawing on paper, as with one or more attached pens.
  13. 24. Store your files in these icons.
  14. 26. Computer that performs at or near the currently highest operational rate for computers. It's typically used for scientific and engineering applications.
  15. 31. Used to control movement of a cursor or other graphic element for video games and computer graphics.
  16. 33. small computer that is easy to carry, with a large touch screen and sometimes without a physical keyboard.
  17. 34. To copy (a file) from a computer's main memory to a disk or other storage medium.
  18. 35. Keep the computer from overheating.
  19. 37. Using radio, microwaves, etc. (as opposed to wires or cables) to transmit signals.
  20. 39. Chooses files and commands.
  21. 41. A device which copies pictures and documents so that they can be stored on a computer.
  22. 43. A vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide.
  23. 46. A set of pages of information on the internet about a particular subject, published by a single person or organization.
  24. 47. A ​separate ​area on a ​computer ​screen that ​shows ​information and can be ​moved around.
  1. 1. A set of instructions in code that control the operations or functions of a computer.
  2. 3. Click it to select a command from the list.
  3. 4. Putting secret information into code.
  4. 6. A piece of equipment that you speak into to make your voice louder, or to record your voice or other sounds.
  5. 7. A computer program that controls or supplies information to several computers connected in a network.
  6. 9. Program language.
  7. 11. Fast computer that is used by one person and has more memory than an ordinary personal computer.
  8. 12. The physical parts of a computer.
  9. 16. The unit in a desk computer that contains the screen.
  10. 17. A small handheld device which is moved across a mat or flat surface to move the cursor on a computer screen.
  11. 18. A local area network that uses high frequency radio signals to transmit and receive data over distances of a few hundred feet.
  12. 19. A computer that is portable and suitable for use while travelling.
  13. 23. An output device that produces a paper copy of alphanumeric or graphic data.
  14. 25. Provides different IP addresses for computers.
  15. 27. A part that completes tasks for the computer.
  16. 28. Large and powerful computer that supports many other computers working at once.
  17. 29. Numbers entered/held in a computer.
  18. 30. A networking device.
  19. 32. An insulated wire or wires having a protective casing and used for transmitting electricity or telecommunication signals.
  20. 36. Programs/Instructions added to computers.
  21. 38. A local network.
  22. 40. Information ​stored on a ​computer as one ​unit with one ​name.
  23. 42. A decorative or protective covering or cover.
  24. 44. A short term, quick memory source.
  25. 45. A number of computers and other devices that are connected together so that equipment and information can be shared.
  26. 48. A system in which computers in different places are connected, usually over a large area.