Kruti's Baby Shower

  1. 2. These tight things in my feet!
  2. 4. I will need this in this cold winter after I'm born to keep me cozy
  3. 6. Once piece that covers me from my head to toe
  4. 8. I can't even sctratch my nose because of these things in my hand
  5. 9. My very own house where I sleep
  6. 11. They feel very cold on my bottom
  7. 12. My thumb replacer
  1. 1. Belt, Buckle, read-set-GO!
  2. 3. I cruise around in this with my personal drivers
  3. 5. I will be able to eat in it once I can sit
  4. 7. I go through 8-10 of these a day in the first few weeks
  5. 10. My food and drool catcher
  6. 13. Makes amusing noise when it is shaken