Kumquat Bonsai Care | BonsaiAlchemist.com

  1. 1. The type of emulsion you can use as fertilizer for mature Kumquat bonsais
  2. 4. The Kumquat tree is native to this country
  3. 6. Hybrid kumquat with oval, deep orange fruit
  4. 8. Type of preserve made from Kumquats
  5. 9. One of the recommended bonsai styles for Kumquat
  6. 11. Best season to repot a Kumquat bonsai
  7. 12. One of the top ways to propagate a Kumquat tree
  8. 14. Robert Fortune brought the Kumquat to Europe for which Horticultural Society?
  9. 15. Name of the fruit
  10. 16. Name of the Kumquat plant family
  1. 2. Another name for the slanting style
  2. 3. Color of the Kumquat flowers
  3. 5. Pests that love to eat on the Kumquat tree
  4. 7. Color of the Kumquat fruit
  5. 9. Name of the plant order the Kumquat is in
  6. 10. The type of fruit the Kumquat is
  7. 13. What type of branches do you remove during pruning?