L5 Diuretics: Case Study

  1. 4. Hormone blocked by spironolactone
  2. 5. Eye condition treated with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors
  3. 6. Increased sodium excretion caused by diuretics
  4. 7. Fluid retention often treated with diuretics
  5. 8. Common condition treated with thiazide diuretics
  6. 11. High potassium, a potential side effect of potassium-sparing diuretics
  7. 13. Potassium-sparing diuretic that blocks aldosterone
  8. 16. Class of diuretics that work in the loop of Henle
  9. 17. Diuretic class used primarily in treating hypertension
  10. 19. Managed by diuretics
  1. 1. Low potassium, a side effect of some diuretics
  2. 2. Condition treated with loop diuretics
  3. 3. Abnormal fluid accumulation in the abdomen treated with diuretics
  4. 9. Condition often managed with loop diuretics like furosemide
  5. 10. Important electrolyte affected by diuretics
  6. 12. Osmotic diuretic used to treat increased intracranial pressure
  7. 14. Loop diuretic commonly used in heart failure
  8. 15. Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor used in altitude sickness
  9. 18. Increased urine production caused by diuretics