L5 Diuretics: Hormonal Regulation

  1. 3. Channels that allow water to pass in the collecting duct
  2. 7. Promotes sodium reabsorption
  3. 12. Diuretics that prevent potassium loss
  4. 14. Excretion of sodium in the urine
  5. 15. Epithelial sodium channels increased by aldosterone
  6. 16. Hormone that activates aldosterone production
  1. 1. Condition caused by excessive potassium retention
  2. 2. Intracellular receptor that aldosterone binds to
  3. 4. Increases water reabsorption
  4. 5. Hormone related to aldosterone through the adrenal cortex
  5. 6. Hormone that increases water reabsorption in the collecting duct
  6. 8. Main site of action for aldosterone and ADH
  7. 9. Selective aldosterone antagonist
  8. 10. Class of diuretics that can reduce aldosterone effects
  9. 11. Aldosterone antagonist that spares potassium
  10. 13. Another name for ADH