L8 Crossword Puzzle

  1. 7. The first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.)
  2. 9. Jet Li (Chinese kung fu movie star)
  3. 11. action movie, kung fu movie
  4. 12. interest
  5. 13. history
  6. 15. story
  7. 18. research report
  8. 19. about, with regard to
  9. 22. emotion
  10. 23. and also, furthermore
  11. 24. (name) Ruchun Ji
  12. 26. brilliant, wonderful
  13. 28. description, exposition, to describe
  14. 30. aspect
  15. 32. major, main
  16. 34. it
  17. 35. measure word for films, machines, or cars
  18. 36. to feel, sense
  19. 37. shadow
  20. 39. to be inferior to, to be not as good as
  21. 40. director, to direct(a film)
  22. 41. toward, to
  23. 42. even
  1. 1. ticket price
  2. 2. Hero (name of a Chinese martial arts movie directed by Yimou Zhang)
  3. 3. (name) Muhua Fang
  4. 4. effect
  5. 5. to finish
  6. 6. very, especially
  7. 8. relieved, relaxed
  8. 10. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (name of a Chinese martial arts movie directed by Ang Lee 李安)
  9. 12. appealing attractive
  10. 14. better than, well off, strong
  11. 16. Yimou Zhang (Chinese Film Diretor)
  12. 17. story, plot
  13. 20. special technique
  14. 21. to agree
  15. 25. scene
  16. 27. Daoming Chen (Chinese movie star)
  17. 29. Maggie Cheung (Chinese movie star)
  18. 31. to show(movies), to place
  19. 32. weekend
  20. 33. factual, objective
  21. 35. cousin
  22. 38. ancient