La Familia

  1. 4. some people have a ____ for their birthday
  2. 8. my step-dad's daughter
  3. 10. what I am to my grandparents (female)
  4. 11. another word for young girl
  5. 12. another word for girl
  6. 13. My mom's brother
  7. 14. a married woman is a _____
  8. 19. another word for young boy
  9. 20. the daughter of my sister
  1. 1. My dad's mom
  2. 2. My mom's husband is my ___
  3. 3. My mom's new husband is my ___
  4. 4. a town celebration
  5. 5. My mom & dad's daughter
  6. 6. my pet that meows
  7. 7. My brother's son
  8. 9. My daughter
  9. 11. What I am to my grandparents (male)
  10. 15. my pet that barks
  11. 16. My dad's dad
  12. 17. My grandparents' daughter
  13. 18. My mom's sister