La familia Senderos 1

  1. 3. if lady gaga married me she would be my...
  2. 5. twin (f)
  3. 6. lastname
  4. 9. the parents of your grandparents
  5. 10. twisted _____ famous rock group from 80's, their famous song is we're not going to take it.
  6. 14. step-brother
  7. 15. famous tv cartoon show ______ Guy (stewie)
  8. 16. ______nature is lethal at times or beautiful at the same time
  9. 17. the husband of my sister
  1. 1. my mom's sister's son is my _____
  2. 2. grandparents
  3. 4. grandma
  4. 7. my ______like to eat a lot when they visit from L.A.
  5. 8. luke I am your ______
  6. 11. if I have a son then he is the ___ of my dad
  7. 12. my sister's daughter is my ______
  8. 13. rhymes with sun