La maison et les tâches ménagères

  1. 6. floor;level
  2. 8. the bathroom with a shower
  3. 10. the bathroom with no shower
  4. 12. the dishwasher
  5. 14. the attic
  6. 18. the dining room
  7. 19. the kitchen
  8. 20. You (informal) water
  1. 1. we clean
  2. 2. you all fold
  3. 3. I sweep
  4. 4. to fill/load
  5. 5. the roof
  6. 7. the floor;ground
  7. 9. the living room
  8. 11. the clothes
  9. 13. he wipes
  10. 15. they wash
  11. 16. the bedroom
  12. 17. the vacuum