- 3. A subject Monet, the painter, would have liked.
- 5. If you make a mistake with a "crayon", use this
- 11. One can add, subtract, divide etc "avec ça"
- 12. An "ordinateur" that one can carry around
- 15. The word for "middle school"
- 16. ça veut dire: "back to school". One word.
- 17. Something you read, ie: un roman (novel)
- 18. People sit "sur" this.
- 19. A subject Einstein would like, ie: algèbre. Les _______
- 1. Students can play outside during this period
- 2. The language one speaks "en France"
- 4. One looks through this to see outside
- 6. Jouer à la ______. A game where you hop.
- 7. One "entre" the room or house through this
- 8. Usually written on with "marqueurs or feutres"
- 9. "_______ de classe". Classmates
- 10. A portable "téléphone"
- 13. The "professeur" usually sits at this
- 14. One writes with this. Ce n'est pas un crayon.
- 18. An image of an area, for instance of France