La rutina diaria-Daniel Cajero

  1. 3. to brush one's hair
  2. 4. to shave
  3. 5. neither;not either
  4. 7. someone;somebody;anyone
  5. 9. to sit down
  6. 11. neither...nor
  7. 13. To comb one's hair
  8. 14. to worry (about)
  9. 17. to wash one's face
  10. 18. to take off
  1. 1. toilet
  2. 2. to get dressed
  3. 6. shower
  4. 8. to fascinate;to like very much
  5. 9. to feel
  6. 10. to shower;to take a shower
  7. 12. to say goodbye (to)
  8. 15. to try on
  9. 16. To put on makeup