La Tomatina

  1. 2. This festival is a massive food __________.
  2. 6. The event is no longer free, participants must buy ____________.
  3. 7. The name of the town's centre.
  4. 11. Water __________ signal the beginning and end of the event.
  5. 12. The name of the festival.
  6. 13. The event is held near this major city.
  7. 14. Crazy in Spanish.
  8. 15. Country this festival is located in.
  9. 16. People wash themselves at the Buñol ______.
  10. 17. There is also a ________ cooking contest.
  1. 1. La Tomatina involes the throwing of _______.
  2. 3. Remember to wear __________ on your eyes.
  3. 4. The local _____________ provides the tomatoes.
  4. 5. The holiday was banned by ________ Franco.
  5. 8. La Tomatina began when a fight broke out during a __________.
  6. 9. A soap-covered pole with a ham at the top.
  7. 10. City that the tomatoes are brought from.