
  1. 4. second book of the Bible
  2. 6. windstorm
  3. 7. referring to water
  4. 10. eight in Spanish
  5. 12. Bruce Banner’s alter ego
  6. 13. the only blonde Bond
  7. 16. aggressive type of bee
  8. 21. awake at both night and day
  9. 24. shopping conglomerate
  10. 25. the Caped Crusader
  11. 29. Jekyll’s alter ego
  12. 31. gemstone
  13. 33. Belgian breakfast food
  14. 35. to climb a mountain
  15. 36. flies in the wind
  16. 37. fur cap
  17. 39. Nashville NFL team
  18. 41. Tom Cruise’s kind of business
  19. 44. entertainer of the court
  20. 45. shoe brand or goddess of victory
  21. 46. first Roman emperor
  22. 51. opposite of under
  23. 52. the capital of Guinea
  24. 54. evil
  25. 56. longest river in Africa
  26. 57. “Let there be ___ “
  27. 58. one of the four seasons
  28. 60. condiment
  29. 61. famed product of Ancient China
  1. 1. “The Color ___ “
  2. 2. Russian spirit
  3. 3. abbreviation for New Orleans
  4. 5. oily
  5. 8. Norse god of mischief
  6. 9. Indonesian vacation hub
  7. 11. Spanish plantation
  8. 14. to dry yourself with
  9. 15. ruler of Ancient Egypt
  10. 17. as in energy
  11. 18. a baby sheep
  12. 19. famed Snow of Game of Thrones
  13. 20. deer meat
  14. 22. Islam’s holiest tome
  15. 23. “let them eat ___ “
  16. 26. drink of the gods
  17. 27. the upper class
  18. 28. is there anything behind it?
  19. 30. Mongolian ox
  20. 32. disgusting
  21. 34. a proverbial saying
  22. 38. Egyptian lord of the dead
  23. 40. friendly Apple assistant
  24. 42. family
  25. 43. the flower of France
  26. 47. henchman
  27. 48. 27th President
  28. 49. what God created
  29. 50. small nugget of metal
  30. 53. Texas University alum
  31. 55. Lord of the Flies protagonist
  32. 59. Federer’s sport