Lab Safety

  1. 4. Always be ______ in the lab.
  2. 7. Do not ____ chemicals.(hint: you use your mouth to...)
  3. 8. Know what to do in case of _______.(hint:something not wanted to happen)
  4. 10. Always follow the ______.
  5. 11. Always ______ appropriately.(hint:put on clothes)
  6. 12. You must not _____ in the lab?(hint:snacking)
  7. 13. You must always keep a ______ workspace.(hint: opposite of dirty)
  1. 1. You must always ____ of waste properly.(get rid of)
  2. 2. Do not _____ on your self.(hint: another word for test)
  3. 3. Put your hair up ______ when in the lab.
  4. 5. You must always _____ accidents.(hint: another word for tell)
  5. 6. Always _____ the instructions first to know the dangers that there are.
  6. 9. Do not ______ chemicals.(hint: other word for sniff)