Lab Safety

  1. 2. essential in protecting hands during a lab
  2. 4. a structure used to hold test tubes
  3. 5. what not to do with lab thermometers
  4. 8. how to finish every lab
  5. 11. used in the transfer of solid chemicals
  6. 14. color the burner frame should be
  7. 15. what to use if chemicals get in eyes
  8. 16. used to support or hold containers, ex. over burner
  1. 1. glass container for chemicals
  2. 3. used to cover or close top of chemicals
  3. 6. devise that assists in transferring chemicals
  4. 7. how to best move around in a lab
  5. 9. used in a chemical spill to stop spread
  6. 10. essential item to wear for chemistry labs
  7. 12. what to add to water, not the other way around
  8. 13. common substance in a lab thermometer