Lab Safety

  1. 3. Please _______ any spills immediately to the teacher
  2. 4. If I don't understand something I will...
  3. 6. wear one of these to protect your skin and clothing when working with chemicals
  4. 7. ________ is the preferred method for putting out a fire on the lab table.
  5. 12. If you spill chemicals on yourself you should use
  6. 14. We never return ______ to the original bottles following an experiment
  7. 15. You should _____ work alone in the lab
  1. 1. the nearest fire alarm is...
  2. 2. I will always______ all instructions carefully.
  3. 5. if my clothing catches on fire I will use the...
  4. 6. Please report any _________ to the teacher no matter how minor.
  5. 8. ______ _____ chipped or broken glass
  6. 9. If you get chemicals in your eyes you should rinse you eyes in the eyewash station for __________ minutes
  7. 10. you should wear these when working with chemicals and open flames
  8. 11. Not following ________ is a major cause of accidents in the lab
  9. 12. You should never taste or _____ any chemical unless instructed to do so.
  10. 13. _____ in the lab is dangerous because you might ingest dangerous substances