Lab safety

  1. 2. something never to be done in a lab setting often related to other things like hijinks and goofing
  2. 3. The ideal footwear for labs
  3. 6. a lab tool that should not be shaken or heated
  4. 7. cloth carrying cases that should always be moved clear of lab walkways to avoid acidents
  5. 10. Synthetic clothing that shouldn't be worn in a lab because of possible melting
  1. 1. something to be applied by the teacher after washing a cut or wound
  2. 4. a material the teacher will use to clean chemical spills
  3. 5. where you head if chemicals get in your Oculi Hominum
  4. 8. A process which requires a highly corrosive chemical to be added to water in order to make it safer to work with
  5. 9. something to only be turned on after striking a match