Lab Safety

  1. 3. You must ______ in a lab and make sure not to fool around as you could hurt yourself/others
  2. 5. You are not to drink or consume any ________ in a lab as it can be harmful to our bodies
  3. 6. Violent release of energy
  4. 7. You must tie this up neatly when in a lab especially when working with flames
  5. 8. The correct way to safely smell a chemical
  6. 10. When conducting an experiment please wear these on your hands to insure your safety
  1. 1. The safety hazard for when a chemical destroys living tissue
  2. 2. A _______ must be present before you are allowed to enter the lab
  3. 4. Powerful and dangerous form of energy due to radiation
  4. 9. The safety hazard for when a chemical is able to cause death