Lab Safety

  1. 4. Keep long ______ tied back during labs.
  2. 5. Who should you tell immediately if you see a fire or smell smoke?
  3. 7. If your clothes or hair start on fire stop, drop, and ______.
  4. 10. Always follow the ______ way.
  5. 12. If a chemical splashes in your eye wash it for 15 ______.
  1. 1. Read all of these before completing a lab.
  2. 2. Use all lab ______ appropriately and how they are intended to be used.
  3. 3. This should be the first person you ask a question if you are confused.
  4. 6. Always wear your safety ______.
  5. 8. Stay at your lab ______ for the entire lab.
  6. 9. Clean up ______ right away.
  7. 11. Always ______ fumes and chemicals in order to smell them safely.