Lab Safety and Equipment

  1. 2. our shoes should be this type in a lab
  2. 3. use this if you spill chemicals on your body
  3. 7. useful for heating, mixing, and holding chemicals
  4. 8. a gas powered way to heat chemicals
  5. 9. how to smell any chemical in a lab
  6. 12. needed to measure precise volumes of liquids
  7. 13. never put broken glass here
  8. 15. these protect our eyes during a lab
  9. 16. useful for moving liquids into a smaller container
  10. 17. transferring precise amounts of liquid uses this
  11. 18. an electric source of heat in the lab
  12. 19. ask this person when in doubt
  1. 1. most common item used to measure length
  2. 4. we wear to protect our clothing during a lab
  3. 5. the best option for putting out a fire on a person
  4. 6. what to do after finishing your lab
  5. 8. how to move glassware that's been heated
  6. 10. use by doing Pull-Aim-Squeeze-Sweep
  7. 11. used by a person to hold a test tube upright
  8. 14. useful for measuring mass