Lab Safety Crossword - Caroline D

  1. 2. The lab area should be:
  2. 5. Used for handling heated glassware.
  3. 6. Hazardous symbols.
  4. 8. This behavior is not tolerated during a lab.
  5. 11. Do not use if cracked or chipped.
  1. 1. Make sure to BLANK all accidents and injuries to the teacher at once, no matter how minor.
  2. 2. Take only as much as you need.
  3. 3. Eye protection.
  4. 4. Symbol that means chemical eats or wears away other materials.
  5. 7. Always walk with these objects' points facing down.
  6. 9. To operate the fire extinguisher, remember:
  7. 10. Never use this around water.