Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. You must always do this after each lab before removing goggles.
  2. 6. Special directions that need to be followed after a lab.
  3. 10. Possible danger from burns from objects that are very cold or very hot.
  4. 12. These substances can destroy and cause permanent damage to skin and clothes.
  5. 13. These substances may be poisonous if consumed, inhaled, or even touched.
  6. 15. Organisms or biological materials, such as blood, fungi, and bacteria that can be harmful to humans.
  1. 1. This hazard can be avoided by wearing gloves and a mask during a lab.
  2. 2. This danger may light loose clothing, hair, chemicals, or synthetics.
  3. 3. Glassware or lab tools that can cut or puncture the skin.
  4. 5. This device must be worn at all times during a lab, and not taken off until after you wash your hands.
  5. 7. If inhaled these can cause damage to the respiratory system.
  6. 8. Without proper protection clothes can be burnt or stained throughout a lab.
  7. 9. A possible danger from shock or even burn.
  8. 11. This safety symbol will appear when humans and animals both need to be safe.
  9. 14. This safety hazard may cause fires to break out during a lab.