Lab Safety Crossword!

  1. 6. Do not _______ on the lab benches
  2. 7. ______________ material will ignite if exposed to heat or sparks
  3. 8. Do not tightly ________________ a flask where gas is being created as it can explode
  4. 9. People often picture scientists as wearing lab coats, glasses, and having crazy hair. However, these _______________ are inaccurate, and a scientist can look like anyone. Including you!
  5. 12. If your clothing catches on fire, you must immediately let a staff member know and then STOP, DROP and _________!
  6. 14. You will find a compressed gas symbol on a bottle of ______________ (hint: you spray this to make things smell good and kill bacteria)
  7. 16. _____________ material will make a fire larger and more intense
  8. 17. Do not _______ in the lab. Your food may pick up harmful chemicals
  9. 18. If you're not sure about something... Ask your ______________!
  10. 19. do not use broken or ______________ glassware
  1. 1. ________________ Reactive Material will react with a wide variety of substances. These items should be kept in isolation from other chemicals.
  2. 2. __________________ will be dealt with severely!
  3. 3. Never leave a heat source _________________ as someone can get burned.
  4. 4. If you are instructed to smell something during a lab, you must _________ the chemicals and should NEVER place the substance directly under your nose and inhale.
  5. 5. Compressed ______ is highly explosive
  6. 10. _______________ material give of deadly vapours and can blow up if damaged or placed under heat.
  7. 11. ___________ and return all glassware at the end of a lab
  8. 13. ______________ material can eat away at materials and even your skin. You need to be especially cautious not to spill these materials
  9. 15. Make sure long _________ is tied back, when doing a lab.