Lab Safety Rules

  1. 4. NO open-toed ___ or baggy clothing and long hair must be pulled back
  2. 6. Follow ___ for the lab and do not conduct your own experiments
  3. 7. No eating, drinking, or chewing gum, and keep your hands away from your ___ when working with materials
  4. 9. Only bring to the ___ what you will need for the lab and maintain a neat and clean workspace
  5. 11. ___ all specimen and dissecting tools
  1. 1. Do not touch broken ___ with bare hands
  2. 2. Be extremely careful around ___ and heat and only use hot tools as directed
  3. 3. No running, horseplay, or ___ around
  4. 5. Carry a ___ with two hands: one around the arm and one under the base
  5. 8. Always wear appropriate ___ gear such as lab coats, goggles, and gloves
  6. 10. Report ___ to your teacher right away