Lab safety rules

  1. 1. this should be tied back and out of the way, this rule is important because your hair could catch fire or get caught on something.
  2. 6. these are used to hold liquids and are made of glass, this rule is important because the glass beaker can break if you don’t handle it properly.
  3. 8. these are only to be used for water and things that say it can be poured in it, this is important because you could mess up the sink or other things by pouring things tha are not supposed to be in there.
  4. 9. these should be worn to protect your clothes and body from dangerous stuff, the importance is if you dint you could destroy your clothes or even harm your body.
  5. 10. this is used to no get rid of any bad fumes in the room, the importance is if you dont use this you could inhale bad fumes that Rangoon for you.
  1. 2. these are used to keep hot thing off the table and to let it cool down, the is important to follow because if you don’t it could cause you to burn someone or something.
  2. 3. these should be used whenever chemicals, heat, or glassware are used, the importance of this is that If you don’t wear it you could harm your eyes with something.
  3. 4. these should be used to pick up any hot metals or glass this is very important to keep your from burning yourself or others.
  4. 5. these should always be read, the importance is to keep you from not knowing what you’re doing or not knowing what is what.
  5. 7. you should never leave these things unattended to keep you and others safe from a fire happening, leaving it unattended could cause a fire to happen and could burn you of others.