Lab safety terms

  1. 2. divide into four equal pieces
  2. 4. make shallow cuts with a knife in the surface of a food
  3. 7. mash cooked fruits or vegetables until they are smooth
  4. 9. food with a thin layer of another food
  5. 10. with a spoon or whisk
  6. 11. use a grinder to break up a food fine particles
  7. 12. crush food into a smooth mixture with a masher
  8. 13. cut food, like cheese or carrots into smaller pieces Toss mix ingredients by tumbling them with tongs
  9. 14. remove the center of a fruit, like an apple
  10. 15. break or tear off small layers of food
  11. 16. coat a food with three different layers
  12. 17. is to chop finely
  13. 19. common method for measuring shortening
  14. 20. method that takes a liquid measuring cup (subtract fat to measure)
  15. 22. combining two or more ingredients
  16. 23. pour a liquid over a food as it cooks
  1. 1. use a pastry brush to coat a food with a liquid
  2. 3. coat food heavily with flour, bread crumbs, or cornmeal
  3. 5. dividing food into smaller pieces
  4. 6. leave an opening in a container so steam can escape
  5. 8. cut a food, such as almond, into very thin strips
  6. 9. to pulverize food into crumbs, powder, or paste
  7. 12. add flavor to a food by soaking it
  8. 13. separate solid particles from liquid
  9. 14. make a liquid clear by removing solid particles Candy cook a food in a sugar syrup
  10. 17. shape food by hand
  11. 18. heat sugar until it liquefies and darkens in color Glaze coat a food with a liquid that forms a glossy finish
  12. 20. beat quickly and vigorously to make it light and fluffy
  13. 21. add such flavorings as herbs and spices to a food