Lab Safety v2

  1. 2. Make sure you wear closed-toe ____.
  2. 8. Remember that ___ goes into water and not the other way around.
  3. 9. ___ is the most important thing to keep in mind during lab.
  4. 11. ___ chemicals tend to evaporate easily.
  5. 12. Dirty gloves and paper towels go in this bin.
  6. 13. An ideal shirt to wear to lab would be a ___ sleeves shirt.
  7. 14. You should complete your experiments in your designated _____.
  1. 1. If you have a ____ you can ask your GA.
  2. 3. Always make sure long ___ is tied up in lab.
  3. 4. The acronym for the sheets that give you information about chemicals.
  4. 5. The opposite of a conjugated acid.
  5. 6. Science and Engineering Hall
  6. 7. If a chemical gets into your eyes, you go to the ____ station to flush them.
  7. 10. Always make sure you ___ your lab drawer.