Lab Safety

  1. 2. Where trash is disposed
  2. 3. Used to wash chemical spills off of your body
  3. 5. Used to get tap water
  4. 7. Used to put out fires or cover up chemical spills
  5. 9. Where organisms are placed for safekeeping
  6. 10. Used to protect hands during labs
  7. 12. An exit to be used in emergencies
  8. 15. Contains emergency medical supplies
  9. 16. Used to call people
  10. 17. Used to protect your body during labs
  11. 18. Must be followed while performing a lab
  1. 1. Used to hold chemicals
  2. 2. Where goggles are kept
  3. 4. Used to wash your eyes
  4. 6. Used to heat up various substances
  5. 7. Used to put out fires, contained in red cylinder
  6. 8. Where glass is put to dry
  7. 11. Used to protect your eyes during a lab
  8. 13. Used to contact the office
  9. 14. Rings in case of fire