Lab Safety

  1. 1. To protect your eyes from chemicals and other dangerous materials you wear _______.
  2. 2. When a girl does not tie up her hair she is not following this rule.
  3. 3. This process includes washing your hands after a lab.
  4. 5. DO NOT add water to an acid or a base.
  5. 10. Light the Bunsen Burner correctly.
  6. 12. You should never smell or taste chemicals.
  7. 13. Don't eat unidentifiable plants.
  8. 14. Never mix chemicals without an instructors approval.
  1. 1. Air-dry all glassware.
  2. 4. Take care of live animals.
  3. 6. Animals can spread harmful diseases.
  4. 7. Cut i n the opposite direction of your body.
  5. 8. what you wear to protect your clothes.
  6. 9. NEVER have water near an electrical unit.
  7. 11. Throw away all your trash properly.