  1. 3. When transferring this from one container to another, hold it away from your body
  2. 5. Where you should go if a chemical touches your eyes or skin
  3. 6. What you need from a teacher to go in the storage room
  4. 7. How many times you should check the labels on bottles before using them
  5. 8. Never remove chemicals or materials from this place
  6. 11. Never do this to chemicals in the sink
  7. 12. Never leave a burner______
  8. 15. The direction you should cut when using a knife or sharp instrument
  9. 16. Let a hot apparatus do this before you touch it or place it on the table.
  1. 1. When you should report accidents or unsafe conditions to your teacher
  2. 2. This type of clothing is not allowed in the lab
  3. 4. The way you should conduct yourself in the lab at all times
  4. 9. Never work this way
  5. 10. Do this to any glassware before using it
  6. 13. What you have to wear any time you work with chemicals, heat, or glassware
  7. 14. All chemicals in the lab are considered _____