Lab Safety

  1. 1. back how must hair be?
  2. 3. should you cut towards or away from yourself?
  3. 4. how do you treat all preserved specimens with?
  4. 9. what should be disposed by the teacher's orders?
  5. 11. what must not be started if not told to do so by a teacher?
  6. 12. what do you read before continuing?
  7. 15. what do you consider all chemicals?
  1. 1. who do you tell if a piece of equipment is not working?
  2. 2. what do you follow at all times?
  3. 4. how must you always conduct yourself?
  4. 5. what are all unauthorized experiments?
  5. 6. what do you wash after finishing a lab?
  6. 7. how should you always keep your work area?
  7. 8. hands what do you never pick up broken glassware with?
  8. 9. what do you handle glassware with?
  9. 10. what are not supposed to touch if not instructed?
  10. 13. how many hands do you hold a microscope with?
  11. 14. what do you do if you do not understand something?