Lab Safety

  1. 2. know what to do if there is a ___ drill during a laboratory period
  2. 4. report any ___
  3. 7. keep aisles clear
  4. 9. observe good ______ practices
  5. 11. long ___ is a hazard
  6. 12. do not eat ___
  7. 13. experiments must be ___ monitored at all times
  8. 15. wear laboratory ____
  9. 16. when ____ thermometers are broken, mercury must not be touched
  10. 17. check the label on chemical ____
  11. 20. lab ___ have been provided
  1. 1. always work in well-____ areas
  2. 3. conduct yourself in a _____ manner
  3. 5. dispose of all ____ waste properly
  4. 6. be ____ for your work in the laboratory
  5. 8. _____ all written and verbal instructions
  6. 10. handle all living _____ in a humane manner
  7. 14. Be ___ and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory
  8. 18. ____ and equipment instructions must be read carefully
  9. 19. never ___ alone