Lab Safety

  1. 3. Check ______________ before beginning a lab
  2. 5. Wear ________________ clothing to protect your body, skin, face
  3. 7. Report all accidents to the __________________
  4. 9. Proper disposal of poisons, not all materials can go down the _______
  5. 10. Number of minutes needed to flush your skin if you spill a chemical
  6. 12. Follow all written and oral directions from the teacher the _______ time
  7. 13. These are used to protect your eyes
  1. 1. Keep your work area _____________________
  2. 2. This can lead to chemical spills, accidental fires, broken equipment, and injured people
  3. 4. To smell a chemical you should hold it six inches away from your ____________ and waft not whiff
  4. 6. No eating or _____________ in the lab
  5. 8. Don't begin an _____________ if you don't understand the directions
  6. 11. No adult in the room, means no __________ or heat allowed