Lab Safety

  1. 1. What you use to wash contaminants from your body
  2. 3. Cleans up spills safely
  3. 4. Use this to treat minor wounds and injuries
  4. 8. Designated space for Biological waste
  5. 10. Pulled to alert people of a fire
  6. 13. What you write on to identify items
  7. 14. Where you find important numbers for emergencies
  8. 16. Where used needles are placed
  9. 17. This item is used to separate blood samples
  10. 19. This item contains steps to follow in accidental exposure
  1. 2. Protects your face
  2. 5. Use to exhaust harmful fumes
  3. 6. What you would use to clean surfaces and instruments
  4. 7. Safe place to put broken glass
  5. 9. Contains Procedures and Policies
  6. 11. Used this item to put out small fires
  7. 12. Most direct route to get out of a building fast
  8. 15. Abbreviation for Material Safety Data Sheet
  9. 18. Used to rinse out your baby blues