Lab Saftey

  1. 1. Always place a hot apparatus on a _____ instead of a laboratory desk. (two words)
  2. 4. What position should glass tubing to minimize the likelihood of breakage or injury.
  3. 6. What should you always read before using a chemical?
  4. 7. Dangling ____ is prohibited. (bracelets, earring necklaces)
  5. 8. Test tubes should always be pointed ____ from you and other students.
  6. 10. Hot glass should never be placed into what temperature of water?
  7. 11. Never look into a container that is being _____?
  8. 16. What station should you use if a chemical splashes in your eye?
  9. 17. If a chemical spills on you, you should immediately take it __.
  10. 21. Report all electrical _____ that are damaged.
  11. 25. What room should students never enter unless given specific instructions by their instructor?(two words)
  12. 27. What should be worn during laboratory activities? (two words)
  13. 28. Always be ______ and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory.
  14. 29. If your lab partner is hurt, what do you yell out? (two words)
  15. 30. To see if a object is hot bring it to the back of your ____
  16. 31. How should aisles always be kept?
  17. 32. Never chew ___ in the laboratory.
  18. 33. What place should you never work alone?
  19. 36. Instead of smelling chemicals directly, you should?
  20. 37. If you do not know how to use a piece of equipment ask the instructor for ____.
  21. 38. In case of a fire stop, ____, and roll.
  22. 39. Long hair should be ____ back.
  23. 40. What should you always turn upside down to avoid contaminating.
  1. 2. What are all chemicals in the lab considered?
  2. 3. What to use to suffocate a flame? (two words)
  3. 5. Damaged electrical equipment should always be what?
  4. 9. Report all _____ in the lab.
  5. 12. Never work ____, and instructor must always be present.
  6. 13. Only do experiments authorized by your _____.
  7. 14. A what should be used when transferring liquids between beakers?
  8. 15. What to use to protect your eyes in labs?
  9. 18. What kind of area should you always work in when working with volatile substances or poisonous fumes?
  10. 19. Always know the _______ of the safety equipment in the lab.
  11. 20. You should always use what kind of water for your experiments?
  12. 22. What should you throughly read before starting a lab.
  13. 23. Work areas should always be kept?
  14. 24. Always ____ your hands after doing a lab experiment.
  15. 26. You should always wear ____ when doing an experiment.
  16. 34. Hot glass remain hot for a long time, so they should be set aside and picked up with ____.
  17. 35. Grasp sharp instruments only by the _____.