Lab Week 2015 Puzzle

  1. 2. On the end of a pipette
  2. 3. All tied up
  3. 4. I like the song "wheels on the bus go round and round"
  4. 6. Electrolytes done here
  5. 7. A little "Buggy" department
  6. 9. Something sweet
  7. 13. All the better to see you with
  8. 15. Keep it cool
  9. 17. Personal protective equipment
  10. 18. Not your average Q-tip
  11. 19. Can't live without it
  1. 1. Think alphabet soup
  2. 3. Lab person in the know
  3. 5. You get the point
  4. 8. Has wings but doesn't fly
  5. 10. Pointy on one end, plunger on the other
  6. 11. Instruments can't run without it
  7. 12. Taking up space
  8. 14. Sample used for testing
  9. 16. Not an oven