Lab Week 2016

  1. 2. not your average q-tip
  2. 5. lactate dehydrogenase
  3. 7. cryoprecipitate
  4. 10. partial thrombin time
  5. 16. drug of abuse
  6. 17. delicate and likes to hide
  7. 19. not a type of TV
  8. 21. therapeutic drug
  9. 22. usually present in urine
  10. 23. specific gravity
  11. 24. small coin(r)
  1. 1. pH of most urine is
  2. 3. has wings
  3. 4. morphology
  4. 6. when you need it, we make sure it's right for you
  5. 8. chocolate, yellow, or black
  6. 9. all the better to see you with
  7. 11. motile protozoan
  8. 12. stop spreading germs
  9. 13. you get the point
  10. 14. microorganisms
  11. 15. round and round it goes
  12. 18. rapid plasma regain
  13. 20. can't do our jobs without them