- 2. Receives specimens from outreach clients
- 5. Test for microscopically counting/reviewing cells
- 8. Department that examines tissue
- 9. Used for disinfection
- 11. Tool we use to look at slides
- 16. Test for coumadin dosage
- 18. Specimens are transported in these bags
- 19. Department that tests fibrinogen and thrombin time
- 20. Department where CBCs are performed
- 21. Department where allergen testing is done
- 23. What lab people love to do
- 26. Peripheral blood cells important for clotting
- 29. Instrument that does Lipid profiles
- 31. A type of PPE
- 32. Panel used for testing kidney function
- 1. Where cultures are done
- 3. Instrument that does ionized calcium testing
- 4. Where crossmatches are done
- 6. Urinalysis instrument
- 7. Department that collects specimens from patients
- 10. New computer system
- 12. Instrument used for separating cells and serum
- 13. Tests done to prove an instrument is working properly
- 14. Fun time for laboratorians
- 15. Results that are life threatening
- 17. Our reference lab
- 22. Transfers specimens to lab from nursing units
- 24. Chemistry automation Line
- 25. Panel used for testing liver function
- 27. Our outreach facility
- 28. Cardiac marker
- 30. Possible lab dinner conversation