Lab Week 2016

  1. 2. Receives specimens from outreach clients
  2. 5. Test for microscopically counting/reviewing cells
  3. 8. Department that examines tissue
  4. 9. Used for disinfection
  5. 11. Tool we use to look at slides
  6. 16. Test for coumadin dosage
  7. 18. Specimens are transported in these bags
  8. 19. Department that tests fibrinogen and thrombin time
  9. 20. Department where CBCs are performed
  10. 21. Department where allergen testing is done
  11. 23. What lab people love to do
  12. 26. Peripheral blood cells important for clotting
  13. 29. Instrument that does Lipid profiles
  14. 31. A type of PPE
  15. 32. Panel used for testing kidney function
  1. 1. Where cultures are done
  2. 3. Instrument that does ionized calcium testing
  3. 4. Where crossmatches are done
  4. 6. Urinalysis instrument
  5. 7. Department that collects specimens from patients
  6. 10. New computer system
  7. 12. Instrument used for separating cells and serum
  8. 13. Tests done to prove an instrument is working properly
  9. 14. Fun time for laboratorians
  10. 15. Results that are life threatening
  11. 17. Our reference lab
  12. 22. Transfers specimens to lab from nursing units
  13. 24. Chemistry automation Line
  14. 25. Panel used for testing liver function
  15. 27. Our outreach facility
  16. 28. Cardiac marker
  17. 30. Possible lab dinner conversation