Lab Week 2022

  1. 5. where we grow the "bugs"
  2. 7. the most common stain in Histology
  3. 9. to the lab this is a specimen, to everyone else it's a piece of furniture
  4. 10. what was the license plate number on the Deloren in Back To The Future
  5. 12. Dr. Cooke's two dogs, Baxter and Dixie, are what breed of dog
  6. 13. the source of 60% of our lab's workload
  7. 15. gram positive cocci bacteria that grows in grape-like clusters
  8. 18. black, chocolate, or yellow
  9. 19. something everyone looks forward to during lab week
  10. 20. the tests in this area can help diagnosis UTI's and diabetes
  11. 21. the study of disease
  12. 23. the area of the lab that handles the tests that we don't perform
  1. 1. gram negative rod normally found in the gut
  2. 2. the art of drawing blood
  3. 3. PT and PTT are the major tests in this area of the lab
  4. 4. stain used to identify bacteria
  5. 6. most common stain in hematology
  6. 8. Transfusion medicine
  7. 11. the study of tissue
  8. 14. the study of cells
  9. 16. Roche and Beckman-Coulter are two major companies in this field
  10. 17. the wonderful team in the back of the lab
  11. 22. gram positive cocci bacteria that grows in pairs and chains