Lab Week 2023 Crossword

  1. 5. Who sang “Mambo No. 5”?
  2. 6. What singer broke her own record for highest-ever attendance at the Houston Astrodome in 1995?
  3. 9. In the 1990s, what illness previously thought to be confined to cattle was found to have been expanded to impact livestock, other animals, and even humans?
  4. 10. What does the abbreviation “AOL” stand for?
  5. 11. What ’90s movie had Looney Tunes music in its soundtrack?
  6. 12. Genetic engineering introduced what color roses for the first time in the ’90s?
  7. 13. Which Sesame Street character got its own ticklish toy in the 1990s?
  8. 16. What video game was the first ever to be played in space?
  9. 17. What is the "flavorful" stage name of Robert Van Winkle, who contributed "Ninja Rap" to the soundtrack of the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie?
  1. 1. Jennifer Lopez, Ricky Martin, and more led to what musical movement of the ’90s?
  2. 2. What was the highest-grossing film of the 1990s?
  3. 3. What dance did Los Del Rio popularize in the 1990s?
  4. 4. What fashion accessory was invented by a high school shop teacher?
  5. 7. "Egg watch" is the English translation of the name of what popular 1990's toy, released in the U.S. in 1997?
  6. 8. A sheep was cloned for the first time in the 1990s — what was its name?
  7. 14. Macaulay Culkin was paid $1 million—the first child star ever to do so—for what film?
  8. 15. Which popular 1990s TV show inspired the haircut “The Rachel”?