Lab Week Crossword

  1. 5. Who determines the diagnosis for specimens/tissue?
  2. 8. Who performs autopsies?
  3. 11. Who dictates a gross description of surgical tissue in the lab?
  4. 12. Who processes blood gasses?
  5. 14. Who organizes information that comes into the lab?
  6. 15. Where do blood specimens end up in the lab?
  1. 1. Who is responsible for transfusions?
  2. 2. How do we send out tissue for consultations?
  3. 3. Who sorts and distributes specimens form the hospital to the lab?
  4. 4. Where to surgical fluids go to get analyzed?
  5. 6. Where do samples from organs go in order to be placed onto a slide?
  6. 7. Where do organs removed during surgery go to be processed?
  7. 9. How do we preserve tissue for research?
  8. 10. What section of the lab is responsible for looking at DNA on a molecular level?
  9. 13. Where do samples go when you need to isolate spores, molds and fungi?