Labor and Delivery Crossword

  1. 3. The work of the mother and baby to help the baby be delivered
  2. 4. Birth of the baby from birth canal to outside world
  3. 8. The purpose is to open the cervix to 3 cm. It is the longest and least uncomfortable part of labor and happens mostly at home.
  4. 9. Natural birth of fetus before it is fully developed, not full term
  5. 11. Movements of the baby into head down position at the end of pregnancy providing relief of pressure on the rib cage
  6. 13. The placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic sac, and lochia delivered as the third stage of labor
  7. 14. The cervix dilates from 3-7 centimeters, contractions are 2-3 minutes apart
  8. 17. A procedure that terminates the fetus before full term
  9. 20. Childbirth without the need of painkillers, preparation to relieve fear, tension.
  10. 21. Physician who is trained in female anatomy but also provides prenatal/postnatal care and delivers babies
  11. 22. The soft spot on top of the baby's head where the skull bones have not grown together
  12. 24. Time from birth to 6 weeks for baby
  13. 25. When the baby's head can be seen at the vaginal opening and is ready to be born
  14. 26. The uterus contracts at irregular intervals throughout pregnancy to exercise and prepare the uterus for labor
  15. 27. Same as a miscarriage or natural birth of fetus before full term
  16. 28. An injection between vertebrae in the lower back to numb the navel to thigh area
  1. 1. Tightening of uterine muscles that help move the baby from the uterus to and through the birth canal
  2. 2. A visual reading of the newborn that checks color, respiration, reflex irritability, pulse, and muscle tone
  3. 4. Refers to the size of the round opening of the cervix. 10 cm or five fingers is full dilation.
  4. 5. A full term baby is dead at birth
  5. 6. Time from birth to 6 weeks for mother
  6. 7. When a baby is born bottom or feet first
  7. 10. When the lenght of the cervical canal is shortened because it is thinning out to prepare for birth
  8. 12. Labor from 8-10 centimeters dilation, often considered the hardest part of labor. Ends the first stage of labor.
  9. 15. A heavy vaginal discharge after the birth of the baby. Average flow is 21 days.
  10. 16. A physician who is trained in the care of female anatomy
  11. 18. Attached at the end of the umbilical cord to the uterine wall to transport nourishment from mother to baby
  12. 19. When a baby is delivered through a cut in the abdominal wall
  13. 23. Rich watery fluid that comes from the mother's breast after the baby is born before the milk comes in