Labor day road trip

  1. 6. – Animals that live and thrive in the wild.
  2. 9. – State known for wide-open spaces and part of your journey.
  3. 10. – The pointed top of a mountain.
  4. 11. – Large natural elevations of the earth’s surface.
  5. 14. – Mineral deposits rising from the cave floor.
  6. 15. – The time of day when the sun dips below the horizon.
  7. 16. – Someone exploring new places or attractions.
  8. 17. – Person responsible for protecting and preserving national parks.
  9. 20. Park – Protected area of natural beauty and wildlife.
  10. 22. – Home to famous caverns in New Mexico.
  11. 24. – The height above sea level.
  1. 1. – Path followed when walking or hiking in nature.
  2. 2. – The desert you’ll cross between Texas and New Mexico.
  3. 3. – Flying mammals commonly found in caves.
  4. 4. – Spiny plants commonly found in deserts.
  5. 5. – Dry, arid area with little rainfall and unique wildlife.
  6. 7. – Preserved remains or traces of ancient plants or animals.
  7. 8. – Walking long distances, often on trails or through mountains.
  8. 12. Mexico – The state where Carlsbad Caverns is located.
  9. 13. – Deep valley with steep sides, often formed by a river.
  10. 14. – The highest point of a mountain or hill.
  11. 18. – Mountain range located in both Texas and New Mexico.
  12. 19. – Icicle-shaped formations hanging from cave ceilings.
  13. 21. – Underground chambers often filled with stunning formations.
  14. 23. – A hollow place in the ground, often with intricate rock formations.