Labweek 2017

  1. 3. It covers and protects you at the same time
  2. 5. Right now, not later
  3. 8. It is used a a protective barrier
  4. 10. All the better to see you with
  5. 12. Round and round it goes
  6. 13. Your hands best friend
  7. 14. Not a Vampire
  8. 16. What is needed to provide the best patient care
  9. 17. This department examines all the parts
  10. 18. Stops the spread of germs
  11. 19. Yes, we can read what the doctor wrote on it, usually
  12. 22. Point on one end, plunger on the other
  13. 24. This department tells what type you are
  14. 25. Component of blood
  1. 1. Sometimes they like to play hide and seek
  2. 2. We do our jobs for you
  3. 3. It has wings
  4. 4. Chocolate, Yellow or Black
  5. 6. Not a type of TV
  6. 7. A little buggy department
  7. 9. Lab person in the know
  8. 11. This department uses numbers to tell it all
  9. 15. Not your average Q tip
  10. 20. Gets to the heart fo the matter
  11. 21. A little gift to the lab
  12. 23. You get the point
  13. 24. Lab Garbage